State Capitol with cactus

Welcome to the Arizona Secretary of State payment portal.

You may use your Visa, Mastercard, American Express or Discover to pay for public records requests.


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About This Form

  • Use this form to request a public record from our office under Arizona Revised Statutes Title 39, Ch. 1, Article 2 et seq.
  • Records of parts of some records may not be subject to public dissemination under Arizona law. Records may be redacted as necessary.

A $0.40 Convenience Fee will automatically be added to your total. 

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*CAUTION: A.R.S. §39-121.03(C) sets forth the penalties and damages applicable to persons who obtain public records for a commercial purpose without indicating the commercial purpose or who obtain a public record for a noncommercial purpose and who use or knowingly allow the use of such public record for a commercial purpose or who obtain a public record for a commercial purpose and use or knowingly allow the use of such public record for a different commercial purpose or who obtain a public record from anyone other than the custodian of such records and use it for a commercial purpose.

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